Introduction to Psychology

This psychology certification has been designed to answer all of these questions in a simple way in order for you to understand the role psychology plays in human relationships. Whether you are a leader trying to better understand and lead your people, someone in recruitment wanting to better understand potential candidates or simply interested in the human psyche, then you should enroll for this Introduction to Psychology course so you can improve your connections with other people and better understand behavioral patterns.

Course Overview

There is a popular saying ‘all fingers are not equal’. While this statement is usually interpreted to mean that some people are always better off than some others, it is also sometimes interpreted to mean that each individual is different. The differences in human beings are the biggest reasons that people complain that ‘humans are difficult to lead’. It’s no wonder that many organizations – especially large ones – dedicate a whole department to take care of their people. The question that often arises is: Why are humans so different from each other? While some people are interested in politics, others are interested in sports. While some people possess retentive memories, others have trouble remembering past events in their lives – even people of the same age. Why is this so? Why is it that even a twin, identical in all physical aspects, has different likes and dislikes to the other twin?

What you’ll learn
  • The role of forensic psychologists in legal proceedings.
  • The consciousness and the three states of consciousness.
  • Describe the 3 sections of the ear and their various compositions.
  • Distinguish between reflexes, instincts and learned human behaviour.
  • Describe the Strange Situation Theory according to the secure, anxious-resistant and avoidant categories.
  • Recognize the Big Five Personality traits which are: openness to experience, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism.
  • Distinguish between social roles and social norms.
  • Outline and briefly describe the four phases of sexual response according to Masters and Johnson’s Research.
  • Describe the immune system and explain how stress impacts its functioning.
  • List and describe the major anxiety disorders, including their main features and prevalence.
  • List and distinguish between the three clusters of personality disorders

Candidates must;

  • Be English proficient.
  • Have access to either a computer or smartphone with internet connectivity.
  • Be equipped with quality webcam and headphones.
Duration & Fees
  • Regular – 10 Weeks – ₦170,000
  • Fast-Track – 8 Weeks – ₦255,000
Program Dates
  • August – October, 2024
  • October – December, 2024
  • February – April, 2025
  • May – July, 2025