16 courses found

Certificate in Shipping Management

12 week
24 Lessons
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Diploma in Warehouse & Stores Management

12 week
19 Lessons
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Warehouse Logistics and Distribution

12 week
41 Lessons
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Diploma in Logistics and Supply Chain Management

12 week
21 Lessons
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Diploma in Digital Supply Chain Strategy

12 week
24 Lessons
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Diploma in Procurement Professional

12 week
24 Lessons
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Procurement Audit

12 week
24 Lessons
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Master Class: e-Procurement & Purchasing Management

12 week
24 Lessons
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Master Class in Maritime and Logistics Management

12 week
24 Lessons
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Digital Supply Chain Strategy

12 week
24 Lessons
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Strategic Purchasing & Supply Management

12 week
18 Lessons
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Big Data Analytics for Supply Chain Optimization

12 week
24 Lessons
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Shipping Management

12 week
48 Lessons
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Logistics and Supply Chain Management

12 week
30 Lessons
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Advanced Intelligent Transportation Systems

12 week
26 Lessons
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Food Chain Management

12 week
24 Lessons
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