41 courses found

Islamic Corporate Finance and Project Financing

12 week
15 Lessons
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Interpreting Financial Statements

12 week
18 Lessons
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Payroll: Preparation, Analysis and Management

12 week
30 Lessons
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Advanced Performance Management (APM) Certification

12 week
18 Lessons
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Advanced Taxation (ATX) Certification

12 week
12 Lessons
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Advanced Audit and Assurance (AAA) Certification

12 week
14 Lessons
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Advanced Financial Management (AFM) Certification

12 week
16 Lessons
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Certified Internal Auditors (CIA)

12 week
16 Lessons
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Hotel Revenue Management

12 week
24 Lessons
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Hotel Investments Analysis and Financing

12 week
35 Lessons
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Internal Audit and Control

12 week
24 Lessons
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Financial Management

12 week
24 Lessons
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FinTech: Key Concepts and Applications

12 week
24 Lessons
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Certificate in Treasury and Cash Management

12 week
24 Lessons
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