15 courses found

Certificate in Marketing Communication

12 week
14 Lessons
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Certificate in Sales and Marketing

12 week
41 Lessons
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Certified Marketing Professional

12 week
29 Lessons
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Sales and Operation Planning (S&OP)

12 week
24 Lessons
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Best Practices in Managing Inventory & Stock Control

12 week
24 Lessons
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International Buying Best Practices

12 week
24 Lessons
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Market Research and Intelligence

12 week
24 Lessons
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Market and Competitive Intelligence Masterclass

12 week
24 Lessons
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Business and Marketing Writing

12 week
24 Lessons
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E-Commerce Essentials

12 week
28 Lessons
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Advanced Social Media Training

12 week
28 Lessons
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Sales & Marketing

12 week
21 Lessons
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